Circle of Progress
In this episode, Mous and Challin discuss setting intentions for 2024.

Flowing Into Work/Life Harmony
In this episode, Mous and Challin discuss what to do after a layoff with guest Rishi Behari.

The Reality of Quiet Quitting
In this episode, Mous and Challin discuss quiet quitting, the forces behind it, and why it's time for a rebrand.

2023… and We Are Back!
Hello World! We are back! We took a much needed hiatus last year because we were all… well… overworked! Putting out podcasts is time consuming, and we wanted to make sure we could give it the attention it needs to put our quality over quantity.
We are excited to be back after our hiatus, and to announce that our first podcast of 2023 is coming next week! We will be discussing Quit Quitting and Achieving Balance, and spoiler alert… Challin wants to re-brand it!

How Women & Allies Can Mobilize After the Loss of Roe V. Wade
Let’s face it. We’re tired. Being a woman isn’t always easy…. In fact being a HUMAN in these unprecedented times isn’t easy. But this week feels harder than most. Having what we feel is a basic right taken away following the overturned decision of Roe V. Wade, is hard to stomach. Let us be clear, we don’t think for a minute this is a battle between pro-life or pro-choice. This is a battle for control, and right now, women are losing.

Episode 15: How To Embrace Change with Special Guest Depika Mistry
This episode includes a discussion with special guest Depika Mistry about change, and often our resistance to it.

Episode 13: Pink Tax and Pink Ribbons - Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2021
This episode includes a discussion about the gender gap in healthcare and tips for getting the most out of your doctor appointments

Episode 12: Hey Siri, Does AI have gender and diversity bias?
Join us as we discuss if Artificial Intelligence can be taught the human element and mitigate bias in hiring marginalized groups.

Episode 11: Cultivating Confidence - Body Image, Bouncing Back and Being Confident in Your Skin
In the Season 2 kick off we talk body confidence and separating confidence and external validation.

Episode 10: Pitching With A Purpose
Mousumi and Challin talk about how to create and star in your own story. Using their sales and marketing backgrounds as a jumping point, they talk about how important it is to be authentic, adhere to your values and how to focus on your strengths to tell your story.

Episode 9: Pride Beyond Parades - How to be an active ally
Steven Wakabayashi talks about how to be an effective ally, making space for marginalized groups at work, and finding acceptance within his own family.

Episode 8: You Are Your Best Investment, featuring Carolyn Leonard
Carolyn Leonard, first woman to trade on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange, discusses investing in yourself and your future.

Our Most Influential Mentors
After talking about what makes a great mentor in Episode 7, the women of Overworked talk about our most influential mentors.

Episode 7: Creating Leaders Through Mentorship
Cheryl McPhilimy joins Mous and Challin to talk about mentoring future leaders.

Episode 6: Setting Boundaries with Depika Mistry

Episode 5: Self Love, Self Care, Self Worth with Grace Derocha
Registered dietician Grace Derocha advocates for self care beyond the bubble bath and the power of spontaneous dance parties.

Episode 4: Climbing the Proverbial Ladder
Author and entrepreneur Erik Severinghaus joins us to talk about his upcoming book, building confidence, avoiding burnout, and avoiding the trap of “doing more faster.”

Episode 3: When the Glass Slipper Hits the Glass Ceiling
Mous and Challin cover Oprah's interview with Megan Markel and what to do if your dream role isn't the fairytale you thought it would be.

Episode 2: Choose to Challenge
Special guest Rachel Misick discusses her book, Second to None, and the importance of diverse storytelling. Plus, what we’re Choosing to Challenge for International Women’s Day.

What We #ChooseToChallenge This International Women’s Day
Women’s participation in the workforce is at a 33 year low. This year, we #ChooseToChallenge gender bias and inequality on International Women’s Day.