2023… and We Are Back!
Hello World! We are back! We took a much needed hiatus last year because we were all… well… overworked! Putting out podcasts is time consuming, and we wanted to make sure we could give it the attention it needs to put our quality over quantity.
We are excited to be back after our hiatus, and to announce that our first podcast of 2023 is coming next week! We will be discussing Quit Quitting and Achieving Balance, and spoiler alert… Challin wants to re-brand it!
Here’s what each of us has been up to in our year long hiatus!
The Overworked team at Caitlin’s wedding to Greg in 2022. Pictured left to right are: Mousumi, Caitlin, Greg, Challin, Jill.
Mousumi: 2022 was a year of transformation for me in a lot of ways. I worked… a lot, and got promoted! Finally after Covid I could resume my love for travel and visited friends and family in the US and went to Mexico City for my birthday. Lastly, I went to India for 3 weeks which was a perfect time for reflecting, relaxing, and recharging!
Challin: “Best Laid Plans” — I thought 2022 would be smooth sailing, getting back to the good life post-pandemic. It turned out that the universe had other plans for me. I planned a singleton pregnancy and found out we were having twins in March. The rest of the year became a series of best laid plans that were derailed by reality. Some downs, but mostly ups that put work and life in perspective more than ever before. Health for myself and loved ones is a gift that should never be taken for granted. And good days shouldn’t be wasted. Cheers to appreciating all the great days ahead in 2023!
Caitlin: 2022 was an absolute whirlwind. Between planning my own wedding and being maid of honor for two others, there were so many celebrations of love and dear friends that kept my heart full. I also made career moves that are opening up unexpected opportunities for the future, and I’m heading into 2023 ready to chase after those exciting chances!
Jill: If I could choose a word to describe 2022, it would be BUSY. This year I became an aunt, got to coach a few different volleyball teams (each with their own learning curves), played on volleyball teams of my own, took a few spontaneous trips, and got to work on tons of new and exciting projects inside and outside of work. As busy as this year was, I’m grateful for all the challenges and growth that came from the chaos (and the wine that helped along the way 🤪). Next year, I’m looking forward to getting back to Overworked, maybe (hopefully) buying my first house, and taking a little more time to relax and focus on my larger goals.
If you need something to hold you over, don’t forget to go to the podcast link, subscribe on Apple or Spotify and listen to our past episodes!
See you soon!