Why We’re Launching a Podcast - And What You’ll Hear On It
By Challin Baro, originally published on LinkedIn
I can’t remember the last time I was THIS excited! (Aside from not-so-recently finding out that my husband and I are expecting in June…) What was just a kernel of an idea 6-7 weeks ago is now a full-fledged podcast with a website, logo, brand colors, mission, and kick ass team. Who runs the world? Girls.
I’m beyond pumped to share that my colleagues Mousumi Behari, Caitlin Danforth, Jill Berndtson and I are launching our podcast Overworked today! I work with these ladies day in and day out to make stuff happen, so it should have been no surprise to me that this idea could come to fruition in the blink of an eye. These women get shit done. And better yet, they get it done right. Thank you for being you.
Now, a little about the new endeavor – well it stemmed from a chat that Mous and I had at the outset of the year when we were planning our intention-setting webinar. The insane amount of work in our careers, life, and just living through a pandemic has often been chalked up to casually saying “wow, what a year.” Well guess what; it was some year. It kicked our butts. We are emotionally, physically, and mentally worn down. Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s not over. Women have left the workforce at alarming rates. We’re set back 33 years. That is nearly my entire lifetime of progress gone in one fell swoop.
“The progress we were making is at a stall, but I’m not accepting it.”
This podcast is all about having a very real, authentic conversation about what we’re going through, how we can push forward to get back everything that we had earned before the pandemic and make even more progress in the future.
Change starts with acknowledging the problem. Check. Now, let’s find solutions. We will be bringing smart people on the podcast to discuss what they’ve done to succeed, share their points of view on timely topics, and discuss ways we can all make progress together.
As I mentioned, I’m expecting in June and we’re having a little girl. For me, this podcast is partially dedicated to the soon-to-be little miss. She deserves to see her mama killin’ it at work and at home – without shame or societal judgment. She deserves to see that success can look like her. She deserves to know that she can take a damn break when she wants and still come back strong. She deserves to own and speak her voice at any table. She deserves to never hear the phrase “imposter syndrome.” And she deserves to work as hard as the next guy or girl and see the fruits of her labor. Not just 77% of it. Cheers to you little one. This podcast is paving the way for you to be anything you put your heart and mind to.
Join us bi-weekly for our latest podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. The next one will drop the second week of March and will discuss International Women’s Day and discuss this year’s theme: #ChoosetoChallenge. Share topics you’d like to hear us talk about, questions you have for us, feedback (please be respectful), comments and concerns. We cannot wait to talk with you!